「 當能用一種屬於我的風格去表現我所喜歡和在乎的事物時,是我感到最開心的時刻, 同時我也喜歡和所有人分享我眼中所見的世界是什麼樣子。 」
What makes me most happy is when I can use my ‘own style’ to draw and express what I love and enjoy, and at the same time sharing with the audience what the world looks like from my eye.

飆飆先生,是一名台灣的動物插畫家和繪本作家,擅長使用顏色繽紛的色彩 描繪許多有關動物的作品,並且以幻想動物園飼育員的身分自居。同時也 經營「動物國度AnimalKingdom」以動物園為主題的個人插畫品牌,為了使自己所喜愛的動物議題能更貼近觀眾內心,選擇了平易近人的可愛風格來創作。
Hurricane is an animal and children's book artist based in Taiwan. They are especially good at the use of vibrant colors to illustrate artwork surrounding the theme of animals, and self identify as the zookeeper of an imaginary zoo. At the same time, they are also the one behind the illustration brand 「動物國度AnimalKingdom」which is based on the theme of a zoo. To bring the topics of animals closer to the audience, they chose a more adorable art style to express their passion for animals so that its more approachable.
email: yellowdog0918@gmail.com